Wednesday, May 7, 2008


1. Out for coffee with mom. Yummy Caribou!

2. Shopping with mom. She bought a whole "retiree wardrobe" and she bought me some new clothes for Mother's Day (I know--she's MY mother, so why is she buying me a gift?).

3. Learned that the house next door dropped its price--again. Still not at a price Mom can afford, but getting closer. At least a possibility. Anyone know a quick way to make $20K? :)

4. Cuteness from M. She was building with the geo-mags and said that one thing she'd made was "invincible" but another one was "vulnerable". Had Grandma laughing!

5. Tutoring canceled for tonight! Yes, I need the money, but I *did* work an extra hour this week... ;)

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