Thursday, May 15, 2008


1. Got a perfect score on my favorite song on American Idol karaoke for the wii.

2. Bought plants for the mini garden (tomato, jalapeno, tomatillo and italian parsley) and seeds for mom to "drop" next door (zucchini and pumpkin); found adorable "rock star" Chuck Taylors for M. for $5, and stopped at Caribou for coffee to find that a new bank in town was paying for all coffee that morning, so ours was free!

3. After interest rates rose the last two days, they dropped today, and mom was able to switch lenders and get a better rate (and better service).

4. Although I spent two hours in the ER with M., she didn't need stitches, and the only "prescription" is to rest for two days. She's soooo tough!

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