Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. Everyone was up BEFORE they had to be up this morning, which meant that the whole morning routine went much more smoothly. In addition, I had time to exercise and shower before M. even left for school!

2. Elementary School Spelling Bee; T. was one of the 15 competitors (chosen by a written test) and though he was not one of the top 5, he did a great job.

3. Tutoring--last session for finals week! I enjoy finals week (especially seeing the students often get that ah-ha! moment when they realized that the whole semester really DID build on the earlier stuff and that they now understand the earlier stuff SO much better), but it is also mentally exhausting! In five days, I tutored 14 hours. OK, so that's less than 3 hours a day, but for ME that's a lot! ;)

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