Monday, December 8, 2008


1. Decided to go grocery shopping today (due to the storm predicted) instead of Wednesday, as usual. The grocery store was much less busy, employees seemed friendlier, and they were out of fewer things. I'm trying to decide if double coupons is worth the hassle (they do double coupons on Wednesday, but max of 5 and $1 value each). I saved $57 on a $95 bill.

2. Didn't get the whole house clean, but got more clean than I'd feared. My "broken" washing machine is really annoying, though (it only does a FULL load--and I mean FULL), as I have to plan my loads more, and feel wasteful if I run a small load. ugh! Please, oh please let washers and dryers be on sale-BIG sale-after the first of the year.

3. I was supposed to help in M's PE class today, but they had switched PE times and the teacher forgot to let me know. Instead, I got to help in the classroom during Center Time.

4. All three kids went to bed wearing their PJ's inside out in hopes of a snow day tomorrow.

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