Thursday, December 25, 2008


1. The cuteness of the kids planning waking time. Our "rule" is that they cannot get out of bed until 6:00 am and cannot wake us until 7:00 am. (But they can look at the Santa gifts and their stockings before waking us) Both T. and C. set their alarms (iPod and cell phone) for 6:30 and we heard them on the baby monitor before they came up at 7:02 to wake us.

2. Lovely Xmas morning stuff--breakfast of Mamafitz's breakfast casserole and cinnamon bites (plus OJ and coffee) and laziness after opening gifts.

3. G's parents here for Xmas supper with us. Mom cooked an excellent meal of prime rib, twice baked potatoes, roasted veggies and salad.

4. Friends from knitting club came after supper for dessert and some Guitar Hero. They're a fun and funny couple, and the new GH rocks! ;)

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