Sunday, June 15, 2008


1. Father's Day breakfast that was easy on me and just happened to be things I love (muffins from Pick N Save and mochas from Caribou).

2. G. loved his Father's Day gift (Super Mario Kart for the wii and three extra steering wheels) and played it most of the day with the kids.

3. I went through all of my clothes and the kids' clothes to pick out summer stuff to wear; and to put away winter stuff that should still fit, come fall; and to clear out outgrown clothes that I'm not saving. WOW! Trip to Goodwill in my near future.

4. As I was going through the clothing stuff in the attic, I found some other things to donate AND I finally decided to shred all my former home business papers and former LLL paperwork. Holy shreddedness--four big garbage bags full when I was done.

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