Thursday, October 2, 2008


1. My anniversary! G. and I have been married 15 years!

2. Attended a very informative Open House at the Medical College of Wisconsin today. All of their graduate programs sound so unbelievably fascinating and SO much more exciting than anything else I've looked at. But they are also insanely competitive and I just don't have the pre-req's for them. So while I enjoyed the presentations, they also made me a little sad...

3. M's make-up soccer game today. It's just so cute to see the kids in uniforms WAY too big for them running around on the field and actually playing soccer!

4. My wonderful Mom and my great friends who all pitch in to do all sorts of things when I have other stuff that keeps me away from home for chunks of the day. There's no way I could do the things that I do without all of their help.

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