Saturday, October 18, 2008


1. Beautiful weather for M's soccer game. She played really well, too--she's learning the game and has come so far since the beginning of September.

2. Beautiful weather for T's last soccer game of the season. He played wonderfully--doing just what he should and when he should. His whole team played so well as a team (and won 7 to 1). For a team that came together a month and a half ago, they're doing great, too.

3. Did some cooking this afternoon (for us and friends who just moved into their new house). I love to cook and despite this, have been taking lots of shortcuts at mealtimes lately. It felt nice to be back in the swing of things.

4. Best frozen custard of the year with my family for Sweetest Day (Kopp's Chocolate Cherry Kiss). YUMMY!

5. Connected with two *high school* friends on Facebook! One of them I'd not been in touch with since G. and I were married, I think... I love Facebook.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day - I spent mine in soccer-dom, too! I've also had the return of cooking mojo lately - I tried a new recipe last night - chicken roasted with garlic, onions, vinegar, and artichoke hearts. Mmmm! Let me know if you want the recipe!

bfmomma said...

Oh, sounds yummy--I'd LOVE the recipe! (the curry I made is on my other blog, as is the chicken pot pie soup--I think)

bfmomma said...

Here's the curry:

here's the soup: