Sunday, August 24, 2008


1. Early morning (for a Sunday!) breakfast out with my knitting club buddies at Original Pancake House. I had a bacon waffle (oh, yum!), coffee, and wonderful conversation! It was a nice start to the day.

2. Came home and did more demo at Mom's house. It's so rewarding to smash things! ;)

3. Went to see a "baby ballet" recital, featuring Michelle's 3 YO daughter. SOOOO cute!

4. C. had her 13 YO friends over, and when she told them her room was too much of a disaster to hang out in, the friends CLEANED HER ROOM WITH HER! And they even did her laundry! I love C's friends :)

5. Hanging out in our combined back yard; relaxing and knitting while the kids and G. "played" badminton (no net up yet)

6. Heading back to the mall so G. could see the awesome chalk drawings.

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