Tuesday, August 19, 2008


1. Though we *were* going to take the kids to the Art Museum, they wanted to be lazy at home instead. It helped ease my mind about being such a lousy mom and not doing much with them this summer and it gave me time to catch up on paperwork, too.

2. Got Caribou iced coffee drinks with G. and M. while C. and T. had their guitar lessons.

3. Took the older two kids to get their eyes checked so we can order new glasses (and contacts for C.) before school. I feel so lucky that G. has an uncle who is an optometrist and who checks our eyes for free.

4. Went to Culver's for supper with G's uncle (and G's parents who drove over to see us all).

5. Was friended on Facebook by one of my former students! She’s one of those students that you keep thinking about and wondering how things are going, so it was SO fantastic to hear from her!

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