Monday, August 18, 2008


1. Got LOTS done today (and yet not a lot...) and the day just flew past. As chaotic as it seems at the time, by the end of the day, it's nice to look back and realize it was a worthwhile day. :)

2. Picked up the younger kids' school packs (ordered last spring) and went through, labeling everything (individual markers, crayons, etc.). Went through what I'd bought so far for C., and made of list of everything for all three kids that we still needed. Then we headed to Target and bought all the rest of the supplies.

3. G. made plans with our friend, the electrician, to come and get some of the electrical work done next door. We then ran to Home Depot to pick up the materials to do the work.

4. Found a copy of "Boogie" for wii on clearance for $10 (regularly $40) and a copy of the School House Rock dvd on sale for $10. Nice to find a little unexpected fun for cheap!

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