Friday, April 25, 2008


1. A friend who gets a share of the Growing Power produce co-op, but wasn't going to be in town today, asked if I'd like to get his share. Yum! Huge bag of produce that I wasn't expecting.
2. More good local friends helping out with M. One took her to the mall for lunch after school with a group of friends, and I was able to stop in briefly to see them and talk some regular, non-hospital talk.
3. A friend completely surprised me by dropping off a big bag of Mexican food from El Rey. Supper for tomorrow is all taken care of--tamales, salsas, chips, churros
4. Mom got all the rest of her tubes out and is back on a regular diet!

1 comment:

True Mama said...

I'm glad your mom is recovering so well. I've been thinking about you.