Tuesday, September 30, 2008


1. Errand running--and finding lots of deals! I only spent $43 at Target ;) And I found a lot of things for my Mom and her house, too.

2. Got information from the Medical College of Wisconsin about an Open House on Thursday for their Graduate Studies. I would love to do something in the medical field involving research and lab work, but don't know if my undergrad work is enough to apply for advanced education there. Guess Thursday will be the perfect opportunity to find out! :)

3. Received some information about a long-term Science subbing position at Nicolet (the next school district north of here) from mid-October to late November. It would be a nice, short test to see if I'd enjoy it. I have to see if it would work, and see how much it would pay.

4. Very funny story related to me by the mother of one of M's classmates. When Mom and I were out of town this weekend, G. had to get all three kids different places at the same time, and enlisted the help of several people. So the mom who drove M. to a birthday party related some funny stories about M. My favorite was where she said that M. said, "Sometimes M. likes to talk in third person."

5. Excellent Knitting Group--as always!

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