Monday, September 15, 2008


1. Mom's bathroom is moving right along! It's so much fun to see it being done from the studs out.

2. Out for lunch with Mom to a local Deli that "everyone" raves about (Benji's Deli). We weren't all that impressed and thought it was quite expensive, but it was still nice to check it out.

3. Some positive things in the job department. I got an email from Sally Ride (the one I submitted my resume to yesterday) but we seem to be playing email AND phone tag. Still, they're interested. Then a teacher I used to work with emailed me about a long term Chem position in a Northern Suburb. I don't know that it'd be worth my commute (it won't be over 20 days, so won't be paid at the higher rate), but it's a possibility. Finally, I checked the WECAN website (for job postings) and found two long-term Sub positions (one General Science; one Chemistry) in the school district just North of here. Again, not sure if they're something I'd like to do, but it's fun to look and will be good experience to get my things together for the positions. On a similar note, I got to turn away my first tutoring request for the year. This one was referred by a current Biology teacher, so that's flattering, too.

1 comment:

mamafitz said...

i don't like benji's much either, though caleb says their breakfast is great. i'd rather go to the pancake house!