1. Though it was a really cold day (and there's still snow all over), the sun was out! That makes such a difference.
2. Ran some errands with mom, including a trip to Boelter (restaurant supply store--SO fun to browse) and lunch at Culver's. Yummy Culver's Cobb salad (not as good as CPK's, but still good).
3. Relatively nice trip out to Oconomowoc to get the girls' teeth filled. I don't enjoy going to the dentist, but I really appreciate free dental work (from G's uncle and now his cousin, who has joined the practice!). The girls did well--C. even had both of hers filled w/o anesthesia (which is my little trick--I hate the numbness more than the short bit of pain).
4. Nice PTC meeting. Even though I don't exactly look forward to attending them, they really are interesting! And I've met a whole 'nother group of moms from the kids' school, too. And--I got the minutes typed up tonight--YAY!
5. When PTC ended, I still had 45 minutes before knitting club ended, so I raced over. I got a bit of knitting in, and grabbed some good company and conversation, too! :)