Sunday, October 26, 2008


1. Leisurely reading of the Sunday paper while drinking coffee (and after taking ibuprofen for party-induced headache).

2. Out to International Pancake House for breakfast. I had a yummy Mexican omelette.

3. T. went trick-or-treating with a friend, and no parents, for the first time. He was gone almost all two hours. C. (and friends) took M. TOTing. M. lasted an hour and a half! I think C. had fun TOTing, though she considers herself "too old". Pics:

4. My neighbor and I built a fire and sat outside to hand out candy during TOT time. It was VERY cold, but the fire helped and it was nice to relax and socialize, too.

1 comment:

True Mama said...

Headache? Michelle swore to me that it was dry party. ;)