2. G. and I got LOTS done next door. We're getting closer and closer to the point where we reach everything we can do on our own (at least for the time being) and the point when we have to call in professionals. :) Also got great news from Mom. She's been stressing about packing and how best to get everything moved down here. A friend of hers is borrowing another friend's trailer down here on Monday! The trailer's at her house up North now and my brother will help her pack it all tomorrow. As Mom said, "I love it when the plan comes together!"
3. Cooked yummy Swiss Chard given to my by MamaFitz from her CSA box. Here's pics of the unwashed Chard, the prepped Chard, and the cooked chard! I sauteed the stems in olive oil for about 5 minutes, added garlic and red pepper flakes, then all the leaves. Then I covered the pan and let them all wilt down and added some salt, pepper and butter. It was very good that way, but I grew up eating Swiss Chard with red wine vinegar, so I added some of that at the table, too. ;) Wonderful fresh lunch!
4. Had our annual back-to-school outing with G's sister and her family. We all (my family; K and her husband and three kids) met for supper at Qdoba, then the guys went off to bowl while the girls walked around quaint Cedarburg and then got the best desserts ever at Creme and Crepe Cafe (I had the Mocha Ambrosia). I feel so very lucky to have in-laws that I not only really like, but really like to spend time with! I wish they lived closer than 45 minutes away, since it's harder and harder to get together as the kids get older and more involved in things.
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