1. Relaxing morning--made muffins and read the Sunday paper.
2. Took the kids to Caribou for end-of-the summer smoothies and iced coffee.
3. Wonderful cookout at the neighbors with the families of all of C's best friends. They're all such fantastic people and I'm so happy that C. has such great friends!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
1. Started my day being woken up by a sweet little M. in my face! I've been trying to gradually wake the kids up earlier and earlier in preparation for school starting next week and M. woke up early enough on her own, came in our room, and asked (in a stage whisper), "Can I get up yet?"
2. G. and I got LOTS done next door. We're getting closer and closer to the point where we reach everything we can do on our own (at least for the time being) and the point when we have to call in professionals. :) Also got great news from Mom. She's been stressing about packing and how best to get everything moved down here. A friend of hers is borrowing another friend's trailer down here on Monday! The trailer's at her house up North now and my brother will help her pack it all tomorrow. As Mom said, "I love it when the plan comes together!"
3. Cooked yummy Swiss Chard given to my by MamaFitz from her CSA box. Here's pics of the unwashed Chard, the prepped Chard, and the cooked chard! I sauteed the stems in olive oil for about 5 minutes, added garlic and red pepper flakes, then all the leaves. Then I covered the pan and let them all wilt down and added some salt, pepper and butter. It was very good that way, but I grew up eating Swiss Chard with red wine vinegar, so I added some of that at the table, too. ;) Wonderful fresh lunch!

4. Had our annual back-to-school outing with G's sister and her family. We all (my family; K and her husband and three kids) met for supper at Qdoba, then the guys went off to bowl while the girls walked around quaint Cedarburg and then got the best desserts ever at Creme and Crepe Cafe (I had the Mocha Ambrosia). I feel so very lucky to have in-laws that I not only really like, but really like to spend time with! I wish they lived closer than 45 minutes away, since it's harder and harder to get together as the kids get older and more involved in things.
2. G. and I got LOTS done next door. We're getting closer and closer to the point where we reach everything we can do on our own (at least for the time being) and the point when we have to call in professionals. :) Also got great news from Mom. She's been stressing about packing and how best to get everything moved down here. A friend of hers is borrowing another friend's trailer down here on Monday! The trailer's at her house up North now and my brother will help her pack it all tomorrow. As Mom said, "I love it when the plan comes together!"
3. Cooked yummy Swiss Chard given to my by MamaFitz from her CSA box. Here's pics of the unwashed Chard, the prepped Chard, and the cooked chard! I sauteed the stems in olive oil for about 5 minutes, added garlic and red pepper flakes, then all the leaves. Then I covered the pan and let them all wilt down and added some salt, pepper and butter. It was very good that way, but I grew up eating Swiss Chard with red wine vinegar, so I added some of that at the table, too. ;) Wonderful fresh lunch!
4. Had our annual back-to-school outing with G's sister and her family. We all (my family; K and her husband and three kids) met for supper at Qdoba, then the guys went off to bowl while the girls walked around quaint Cedarburg and then got the best desserts ever at Creme and Crepe Cafe (I had the Mocha Ambrosia). I feel so very lucky to have in-laws that I not only really like, but really like to spend time with! I wish they lived closer than 45 minutes away, since it's harder and harder to get together as the kids get older and more involved in things.
Friday, August 29, 2008
1. Last day of "vacation" and everyone was free, so we filled it up! First, we did the lunch buffet at Pizza Hut (kids eat free).
2. After lunch we went to the MAM, where we got in for free (since T's a Junior Art Docent). The Sensory Overload exhibit was really cool--even if it did give us all headaches and/or make us dizzy!
3. One of the coolest things about going downtown to the Art Museum was seeing all the Harleys EVERYWHERE! (It's Harley Davidson's 105th anniversary celebration this weekend) I wish I'd had my camera.
4. Great meeting with someone who our neighbors had do work on their bathroom. His prices were much more reasonable than any other place we'd gotten estimates from, and he charges only for labor, so we can buy the materials wherever we want. AND he's not booked all the way into October! He should be able to do everything else that G. and I can't do on our own!
5. Finished and delivered MamaFitz's socks. And they fit!

2. After lunch we went to the MAM, where we got in for free (since T's a Junior Art Docent). The Sensory Overload exhibit was really cool--even if it did give us all headaches and/or make us dizzy!
3. One of the coolest things about going downtown to the Art Museum was seeing all the Harleys EVERYWHERE! (It's Harley Davidson's 105th anniversary celebration this weekend) I wish I'd had my camera.
4. Great meeting with someone who our neighbors had do work on their bathroom. His prices were much more reasonable than any other place we'd gotten estimates from, and he charges only for labor, so we can buy the materials wherever we want. AND he's not booked all the way into October! He should be able to do everything else that G. and I can't do on our own!
5. Finished and delivered MamaFitz's socks. And they fit!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
1. I had an appointment early this morning, and C. agreed to watch the other two so I could run to Target and Costco (since I was so close). It's fun to browse w/o having anything I have to buy and I did find a few things.
2. Took T. and M. to the elementary school and they met their teachers, and then we stopped at the Middle School so C. could show T. the media center (where he will be spending the first part of each day before Math begins).
3. Went to a "reception" for Substitute Teachers in the district; it's nice to be appreciated! And pay went up $3 a day from last year. :)
4. M's first soccer practice. She was SO excited-and looked so cute!
5. Book Club--third meeting of our block's book club. I'm so glad to have started this group and to have an excuse to meet with this wonderful bunch of women.
6. Obama's speech. wow. that's all.
2. Took T. and M. to the elementary school and they met their teachers, and then we stopped at the Middle School so C. could show T. the media center (where he will be spending the first part of each day before Math begins).
3. Went to a "reception" for Substitute Teachers in the district; it's nice to be appreciated! And pay went up $3 a day from last year. :)
4. M's first soccer practice. She was SO excited-and looked so cute!
5. Book Club--third meeting of our block's book club. I'm so glad to have started this group and to have an excuse to meet with this wonderful bunch of women.
6. Obama's speech. wow. that's all.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
1. Early morning grocery shopping--spent $59 and saved $36
2. Finished (except for the vanity) the demolition of Mom's bathroom--YAY!
3. Hillary Clinton's two moving speeches (last night and today's release of delegates); I felt more patriotic this afternoon, following her speeches and Michelle Obama's speech, than I ever have before.
4. Went to the middle school with T. to see how everything will "work out" when he goes there for Math. He got his locker (and combination lock to practice), saw his classroom, and met his teacher (a fantastic teacher that C. had last year) and classmates (the other 5th graders who will be going up). He felt much better and more relaxed after going there, and so did I!
5. T's first soccer practice with (another) new team. His new coach seems wonderful, three of his new teammates will also be at the Middle School for Math, and after his history of bad soccer luck, that's all another huge relief!
2. Finished (except for the vanity) the demolition of Mom's bathroom--YAY!
3. Hillary Clinton's two moving speeches (last night and today's release of delegates); I felt more patriotic this afternoon, following her speeches and Michelle Obama's speech, than I ever have before.
4. Went to the middle school with T. to see how everything will "work out" when he goes there for Math. He got his locker (and combination lock to practice), saw his classroom, and met his teacher (a fantastic teacher that C. had last year) and classmates (the other 5th graders who will be going up). He felt much better and more relaxed after going there, and so did I!
5. T's first soccer practice with (another) new team. His new coach seems wonderful, three of his new teammates will also be at the Middle School for Math, and after his history of bad soccer luck, that's all another huge relief!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
1. Bribed the kids with promises of playdates if they picked up their rooms. It worked!
2. "Playdates" galore! T. and M. each had one friend and C. had her whole group. I got time to clean (I kicked them out of the living room) and relieved a bit of my anti-social summer guilt.
3. Knitting Club! Always so much fun. ;)
2. "Playdates" galore! T. and M. each had one friend and C. had her whole group. I got time to clean (I kicked them out of the living room) and relieved a bit of my anti-social summer guilt.
3. Knitting Club! Always so much fun. ;)
Monday, August 25, 2008
1. Kids all got up--on their own--before 8:00 am! (Last night was the first night of school-bedtime enforcement; they grumbled about falling asleep, but it helped a little at least)
2. Went to the High School to drop off some books I'd borrowed for tutoring this year and between talking to one of the math teachers and talking to a teacher who started the same year as I did (and is still there), I got a little excited about the possibility of maybe teaching there again sometime in the future.
3. Out for frappucinos with G.; only a week left of the $2 cold drinks after 2 pm!
2. Went to the High School to drop off some books I'd borrowed for tutoring this year and between talking to one of the math teachers and talking to a teacher who started the same year as I did (and is still there), I got a little excited about the possibility of maybe teaching there again sometime in the future.
3. Out for frappucinos with G.; only a week left of the $2 cold drinks after 2 pm!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
1. Early morning (for a Sunday!) breakfast out with my knitting club buddies at Original Pancake House. I had a bacon waffle (oh, yum!), coffee, and wonderful conversation! It was a nice start to the day.
2. Came home and did more demo at Mom's house. It's so rewarding to smash things! ;)
3. Went to see a "baby ballet" recital, featuring Michelle's 3 YO daughter. SOOOO cute!
4. C. had her 13 YO friends over, and when she told them her room was too much of a disaster to hang out in, the friends CLEANED HER ROOM WITH HER! And they even did her laundry! I love C's friends :)
5. Hanging out in our combined back yard; relaxing and knitting while the kids and G. "played" badminton (no net up yet)
6. Heading back to the mall so G. could see the awesome chalk drawings.
2. Came home and did more demo at Mom's house. It's so rewarding to smash things! ;)
3. Went to see a "baby ballet" recital, featuring Michelle's 3 YO daughter. SOOOO cute!
4. C. had her 13 YO friends over, and when she told them her room was too much of a disaster to hang out in, the friends CLEANED HER ROOM WITH HER! And they even did her laundry! I love C's friends :)
5. Hanging out in our combined back yard; relaxing and knitting while the kids and G. "played" badminton (no net up yet)
6. Heading back to the mall so G. could see the awesome chalk drawings.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
1. More stuff done on Mom's house, including some demolition. I love demolition ;)
2. Out for supper with my girls and my neighbor, her daughter, and another of C's best friends. G. and T. had gone to the new Star Wars movie, so it was nice to have some girl-time. Middle Eastern food was even better!
3. Started on the ribbing on MamaFitz's socks. I love knitting and I love making things for friends, but these socks have been such a headache--just because I've had a hard time finding a pattern that works and then finding time to knit. I'm hoping that finishing them will knock me off my knitting plateau! And thanks to MamaFitz for being patient while it took even longer than promised to make them. :)
2. Out for supper with my girls and my neighbor, her daughter, and another of C's best friends. G. and T. had gone to the new Star Wars movie, so it was nice to have some girl-time. Middle Eastern food was even better!
3. Started on the ribbing on MamaFitz's socks. I love knitting and I love making things for friends, but these socks have been such a headache--just because I've had a hard time finding a pattern that works and then finding time to knit. I'm hoping that finishing them will knock me off my knitting plateau! And thanks to MamaFitz for being patient while it took even longer than promised to make them. :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
1. Last summer tutoring session! It will be nice to have two weeks off before starting tutoring again.
2. Trip to Costco and Target alone. And I found some good stuff!
3. Cooked a mostly-local meal tonight. We had Caprese salad with tomato and basil from my back yard (and a Wisconsin fresh mozarella), zucchini pancakes with zucchini from Mom's garden (and onion from the farmer's market). Even the bratwurst were Johnsonville--from Sheboygan, WI, and served with Silver Spring Mustard, also made in WI.
2. Trip to Costco and Target alone. And I found some good stuff!
3. Cooked a mostly-local meal tonight. We had Caprese salad with tomato and basil from my back yard (and a Wisconsin fresh mozarella), zucchini pancakes with zucchini from Mom's garden (and onion from the farmer's market). Even the bratwurst were Johnsonville--from Sheboygan, WI, and served with Silver Spring Mustard, also made in WI.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
1. Paid fees and picked up the kids' schedules. Everyone got great teachers :) but best of all, T. and M. are in classes with TONS of their friends! They are both very excited. M. has a brand-new (like this is her first teaching gig) K5 teacher and T. has a male teacher for the first time.
2. T., C., and I all picked up our new glasses.

3. C's soccer farewell party. Some of the girls are continuing this year (combining with the 7th grade girls) but C. and many of the other girls just have too busy of schedules to continue. It's such a great group of girls (and parents) and the gathering was really fun!
2. T., C., and I all picked up our new glasses.
3. C's soccer farewell party. Some of the girls are continuing this year (combining with the 7th grade girls) but C. and many of the other girls just have too busy of schedules to continue. It's such a great group of girls (and parents) and the gathering was really fun!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
1. Though I spent a big chunk of the day waiting for a phone call about a meeting that never happened, I did get to use some of the time to clean :)
2. Took the kids to get new glasses and picked out new ones for me, too.
3. Wonderful evening out with two of my dearest IRL friends to celebrate one of their birthdays.
2. Took the kids to get new glasses and picked out new ones for me, too.
3. Wonderful evening out with two of my dearest IRL friends to celebrate one of their birthdays.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1. Though we *were* going to take the kids to the Art Museum, they wanted to be lazy at home instead. It helped ease my mind about being such a lousy mom and not doing much with them this summer and it gave me time to catch up on paperwork, too.
2. Got Caribou iced coffee drinks with G. and M. while C. and T. had their guitar lessons.
3. Took the older two kids to get their eyes checked so we can order new glasses (and contacts for C.) before school. I feel so lucky that G. has an uncle who is an optometrist and who checks our eyes for free.
4. Went to Culver's for supper with G's uncle (and G's parents who drove over to see us all).
5. Was friended on Facebook by one of my former students! She’s one of those students that you keep thinking about and wondering how things are going, so it was SO fantastic to hear from her!
2. Got Caribou iced coffee drinks with G. and M. while C. and T. had their guitar lessons.
3. Took the older two kids to get their eyes checked so we can order new glasses (and contacts for C.) before school. I feel so lucky that G. has an uncle who is an optometrist and who checks our eyes for free.
4. Went to Culver's for supper with G's uncle (and G's parents who drove over to see us all).
5. Was friended on Facebook by one of my former students! She’s one of those students that you keep thinking about and wondering how things are going, so it was SO fantastic to hear from her!
Monday, August 18, 2008
1. Got LOTS done today (and yet not a lot...) and the day just flew past. As chaotic as it seems at the time, by the end of the day, it's nice to look back and realize it was a worthwhile day. :)
2. Picked up the younger kids' school packs (ordered last spring) and went through, labeling everything (individual markers, crayons, etc.). Went through what I'd bought so far for C., and made of list of everything for all three kids that we still needed. Then we headed to Target and bought all the rest of the supplies.
3. G. made plans with our friend, the electrician, to come and get some of the electrical work done next door. We then ran to Home Depot to pick up the materials to do the work.
4. Found a copy of "Boogie" for wii on clearance for $10 (regularly $40) and a copy of the School House Rock dvd on sale for $10. Nice to find a little unexpected fun for cheap!
2. Picked up the younger kids' school packs (ordered last spring) and went through, labeling everything (individual markers, crayons, etc.). Went through what I'd bought so far for C., and made of list of everything for all three kids that we still needed. Then we headed to Target and bought all the rest of the supplies.
3. G. made plans with our friend, the electrician, to come and get some of the electrical work done next door. We then ran to Home Depot to pick up the materials to do the work.
4. Found a copy of "Boogie" for wii on clearance for $10 (regularly $40) and a copy of the School House Rock dvd on sale for $10. Nice to find a little unexpected fun for cheap!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
1. Got some "little" things done at Mom's house--and it was fun to be working on it again after a few days' break!
2. Dyed T's hair back to his natural color--and it WORKED! (I was a bit afraid of what the dye would do over the green--since the box, which says "if your hair color is ____, your hair will look like_____" doesn't include green ;)
Before and after pics:

(he *does* still need a haircut, though!)
3. Coffee out with my sweetie--gotta love Starbucks $2 coffees ;)
4. Some shopping with C.--back to Kohl's (different one) for more 30% off. ;)
2. Dyed T's hair back to his natural color--and it WORKED! (I was a bit afraid of what the dye would do over the green--since the box, which says "if your hair color is ____, your hair will look like_____" doesn't include green ;)
Before and after pics:
(he *does* still need a haircut, though!)
3. Coffee out with my sweetie--gotta love Starbucks $2 coffees ;)
4. Some shopping with C.--back to Kohl's (different one) for more 30% off. ;)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
1. Slept in WAY later than I have in weeks--almost too late! But I think I needed it.
2. Had T's 10th birthday party (*way* late--his birthday was in May);. We took him and 6 other 10 year old boys, plus C. and M. to a pizza place that has a huge game room. Then we came back home for Blizzard Ice Cream cake, presents, and some more video game playing. It wasn't as bad as I'd feared ;) and was actually kinda fun.

3. Wonderful actual date with my husband. We went to the zoo's Ala Carte and saw Five Card Studs. It was G's first time seeing them and he enjoyed them as much as I did when I first saw them a few weeks ago. Good, cheesy fun!
2. Had T's 10th birthday party (*way* late--his birthday was in May);. We took him and 6 other 10 year old boys, plus C. and M. to a pizza place that has a huge game room. Then we came back home for Blizzard Ice Cream cake, presents, and some more video game playing. It wasn't as bad as I'd feared ;) and was actually kinda fun.
3. Wonderful actual date with my husband. We went to the zoo's Ala Carte and saw Five Card Studs. It was G's first time seeing them and he enjoyed them as much as I did when I first saw them a few weeks ago. Good, cheesy fun!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
1. Last time tutoring another of my summer clients--who is a very sweet kid! And they gave me a gift certificate to Bruegger's as a thank-you.
2. Took the kids out for lunch at Bruegger's (see #1).
3. Some mall shopping for M. and T. and I found a lot of super-cheap clothes for M., plus using the 30% off coupon from my mom for Kohl's. And both kids were very well behaved--even T., though we couldn't find a thing for him!
4. Yummy Greek food for dinner (grilled Greek chicken, hummus, pita, Greek salad, olives, feta, etc.)
5. Another successful Kohl's trip LATE tonight with C.--she found lots of stuff and I got things for G. and gym shoes for M.
2. Took the kids out for lunch at Bruegger's (see #1).
3. Some mall shopping for M. and T. and I found a lot of super-cheap clothes for M., plus using the 30% off coupon from my mom for Kohl's. And both kids were very well behaved--even T., though we couldn't find a thing for him!
4. Yummy Greek food for dinner (grilled Greek chicken, hummus, pita, Greek salad, olives, feta, etc.)
5. Another successful Kohl's trip LATE tonight with C.--she found lots of stuff and I got things for G. and gym shoes for M.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
1. Last time tutoring one of my summer clients; I had fun tutoring her, and she worked hard, but it's nice to be closer to me having a "vacation" too! :)
2. Fun trip to the maul with M. and C. and a friend of hers. M. did the little kids activity (spiral snake) and saw some animals (Fox snake and blue-tongued skink), then ran through the fountain with some friends. C. and her friend did some shopping.
3. Knitting Club (and Culver's afterwards). I was feeling yucky and didn't even want to go, but it's SUCH a fun group--as usual, I ended up very happy that I went. :)
2. Fun trip to the maul with M. and C. and a friend of hers. M. did the little kids activity (spiral snake) and saw some animals (Fox snake and blue-tongued skink), then ran through the fountain with some friends. C. and her friend did some shopping.
3. Knitting Club (and Culver's afterwards). I was feeling yucky and didn't even want to go, but it's SUCH a fun group--as usual, I ended up very happy that I went. :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
1. Though I felt crappy (due to a cold/allergies/something), I made it to both tutoring sessions :)
2. G. and I did a bit of work on Mom's house and met with one more contractor--continually gathering ideas
3. The kids all played really well together today--most of the time with legos. Even when C's friends came over, they included M., which is so sweet of them, and makes M. sooooo happy!
4. T. and I ran errands for his (very belated) birthday party, which is this Thursday. We got treat bag loot, candy, ordered the ice cream cake, and also made a trip to Home Depot--about 2 hours of running around and he didn't complain at all!
2. G. and I did a bit of work on Mom's house and met with one more contractor--continually gathering ideas
3. The kids all played really well together today--most of the time with legos. Even when C's friends came over, they included M., which is so sweet of them, and makes M. sooooo happy!
4. T. and I ran errands for his (very belated) birthday party, which is this Thursday. We got treat bag loot, candy, ordered the ice cream cake, and also made a trip to Home Depot--about 2 hours of running around and he didn't complain at all!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
1. First one up--time to read the Sunday paper and make cinnamon muffins before everyone else was up.
2. Leisurely grocery shopping trip with C--who is so helpful when shopping.
3. Trip to Office Max (spent 61 cents on amazing school shopping deals) and Target (got barstools for mom's house and some other stuff) before Book Club.
4. Last meeting with my LLL Book Club. Since I have been attending three book clubs all summer (too many!), and I'll be tutoring on Sundays this school year, I'm dropping this book club. But the women are all so fun and funny and wonderful, that I'm not sure I'll be able to follow through on dropping it. ;)
2. Leisurely grocery shopping trip with C--who is so helpful when shopping.
3. Trip to Office Max (spent 61 cents on amazing school shopping deals) and Target (got barstools for mom's house and some other stuff) before Book Club.
4. Last meeting with my LLL Book Club. Since I have been attending three book clubs all summer (too many!), and I'll be tutoring on Sundays this school year, I'm dropping this book club. But the women are all so fun and funny and wonderful, that I'm not sure I'll be able to follow through on dropping it. ;)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
1. Beautiful weather on our trip back home.
2. Overall, wonderfully behaved kids on the trip!
3. Coming home to a clean house (yay me for cleaning before we left), and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.
2. Overall, wonderfully behaved kids on the trip!
3. Coming home to a clean house (yay me for cleaning before we left), and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.
Friday, August 8, 2008
1. Lunch of authentic Cornish pasties from Joe's Pasty Shop.
2. Afternoon at Lake Superior with the kids.

3. Out for a fish fry with my little brother ;)
4. Fun going through things, helping my mom pack some stuff, and finding old stuff of mine (Cabbage Patch Kids and Strawberry Shortcake!)
2. Afternoon at Lake Superior with the kids.
3. Out for a fish fry with my little brother ;)
4. Fun going through things, helping my mom pack some stuff, and finding old stuff of mine (Cabbage Patch Kids and Strawberry Shortcake!)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
1. Breakfast on the road--mocha and apple fritter from Caribou.
2. Nice, safe trip up North; lots of G. and I talking, reminiscing about all the other times we've driven up North and the differences since adding kids to the trip ;)
3. Picked up pizza for supper from the two best pizza places up North--The Bell Chalet and Pizza King Joe's.
4. Lighting off fireworks
5. Best of all, wonderful to see the kids again, after 4+ days.
2. Nice, safe trip up North; lots of G. and I talking, reminiscing about all the other times we've driven up North and the differences since adding kids to the trip ;)
3. Picked up pizza for supper from the two best pizza places up North--The Bell Chalet and Pizza King Joe's.
4. Lighting off fireworks
5. Best of all, wonderful to see the kids again, after 4+ days.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
1. Mini-break from tutoring--I have four days off ;)
2. Most of the painting we did (and touch-up) looks good. We have lots of little things to fix yet, but the majority of it is done.
3. Last evening with my sweetie and w/o kids. Wait--is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? Or a little of both...
2. Most of the painting we did (and touch-up) looks good. We have lots of little things to fix yet, but the majority of it is done.
3. Last evening with my sweetie and w/o kids. Wait--is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? Or a little of both...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
1. Painting at Mom's house went WONDERFULLY! The primer was great, the paint was great, G. and I are an awesome painting team, and the colors look really good--even with the hardwood floors.
2. Out for supper with G--to California Pizza Kitchen, where I had their Cobb Salad--which rocks!
3. Walked around the mall after supper and picked out fun little "things" to give the kids as welcome home gifts ;)
2. Out for supper with G--to California Pizza Kitchen, where I had their Cobb Salad--which rocks!
3. Walked around the mall after supper and picked out fun little "things" to give the kids as welcome home gifts ;)
Monday, August 4, 2008
1. Getting so much more done on Mom's house than I'd thought we would. G. and I rock as painters! ;)
2. Fixing the brakes on the van "only" cost $500 because they were able to service the calipers. If they hadn't been able to service them, but would have had to replace them, it would have been $1000. yikes...
3. Seeing the sweet little 4 day old baby boy--son of one of G's coworkers. So tiny and tons of dark, dark hair.
4. A full day of time with my husband (except two tutorings) and no guilt for not entertaining the children. Yay!
2. Fixing the brakes on the van "only" cost $500 because they were able to service the calipers. If they hadn't been able to service them, but would have had to replace them, it would have been $1000. yikes...
3. Seeing the sweet little 4 day old baby boy--son of one of G's coworkers. So tiny and tons of dark, dark hair.
4. A full day of time with my husband (except two tutorings) and no guilt for not entertaining the children. Yay!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
1. Being the first one up, and being able to read the Sunday paper uninterrupted ;)
2. For the first time in MONTHS, I cleaned out the inside of my van. I even washed the floor mats!
3. My mom has taken all three kids up North with her for 4 1/2 days. This is the first time that G. and I have been "childless" for more than one overnight since I was pregnant with M. over 6 years ago.
4. Lunch out with my sweetie (to Noodles & Company).
2. For the first time in MONTHS, I cleaned out the inside of my van. I even washed the floor mats!
3. My mom has taken all three kids up North with her for 4 1/2 days. This is the first time that G. and I have been "childless" for more than one overnight since I was pregnant with M. over 6 years ago.
4. Lunch out with my sweetie (to Noodles & Company).
Saturday, August 2, 2008
1. More work next door--none of it pain-inducing :)
2. Got some yard work done on OUR lot--attempting to transplant pachysandra; last time we tried, it didn't work very well, so fingers are crossed...
3. Yummy main course build-your-own salads for dinner; I need to do that more often! Served with bread, T. did fine!
2. Got some yard work done on OUR lot--attempting to transplant pachysandra; last time we tried, it didn't work very well, so fingers are crossed...
3. Yummy main course build-your-own salads for dinner; I need to do that more often! Served with bread, T. did fine!
Friday, August 1, 2008
1. The last of any of the kids' summer activities was today! (other than guitar lessons) I love all the fun stuff they do, but also get sick of the running around and how it breaks up our days so much, so it's nice to have it done and relax some in August.
2. Lunch out with G, M, and my mom and then MAJOR shopping for house stuff for mom. It was a long trip, and M did sooo well. And we got a lot of information and some stuff bought, too.
3. Finalizing plans for the kids to go up North with my mom for a few days. I'm looking forward to having time with just G. for the first time in a very long time.
2. Lunch out with G, M, and my mom and then MAJOR shopping for house stuff for mom. It was a long trip, and M did sooo well. And we got a lot of information and some stuff bought, too.
3. Finalizing plans for the kids to go up North with my mom for a few days. I'm looking forward to having time with just G. for the first time in a very long time.
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