2. Started organizing photos (since yesterday I ordered a bunch more prints) so that I can get them in the albums before the new ones come. Fun to look back at how different the kids looked just two years ago!
3. Got to check out Boelter Restaurant Supply. OMG... it was SO much fun! I bought 10,000 muffin liners (for $4!), 8 dipping sauce cups, a sugar dispenser (for my kosher salt) and the cutest little pair of tongs!
4. Nice visit to the library for T. to attend a Bug workshop and the girls and I to pick books and read a bit. I also ran into a few friends I hadn't seen for awhile and caught up a bit.
YOU WENT TO BOELTER! We were by there on Sunday, and I so want to go. Regular store hours? (9-5?)
Is Boelter that new store on Port Washington across from Home Depot? I was wondering what that was.
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