Tuesday, June 10, 2008


1. G. got up with the kids, letting me sleep in a bit (which was nice because I was up in the middle of the night when it started thundering again!).

2. Had a full day of just G. and me--M. was on a fullday field trip and the other two were in school all day. G. was off, and I didn't tutor until 4:00! We took a long walk, had lunch out, did some shopping...

3. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL day weather-wise. You would not believe that, two days ago, it was so horrible. Temps hit 80, but blue skies with white, puffy clouds, not bad humidity, no bugs yet...

4. Almost done with final's week tutoring and both clients tonight asked me to tutor again next year! I'm not sure if I'll take them on or not (not sure what I'm doing work/school-wise yet), but it's flattering to know that they like me enough to ask to use me again next year!

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