1. My plants are starting to look like plants! :) Here's the giant tomato plant (mint behind):

And my backyard garden (clockwise from upper left--tomato, tomatillo, chives, parsley, thyme, hot pepper):

And the flowers and pumpkins I planted are coming up, too.
2. G. and I (mostly G.) did a TON of yardwork today, including:
-moving the rock wall back behind where the birch used to be

-carrying "mulch" (shredded birch stump) to cover all the flower beds

-moving the rock wall back from the swing set now that there's no longer an evergreen IN the swingset

-general weeding, straightening, etc., and soaking the lilac bushes so they can be planted tomorrow. It's hard to believe that this will actually become a lilac bush

2. Greek dinner with two longtime family friends (full families). Yummy food (Greek Chicken, Greek Salad, Spanikopita, pita, hummus, baba ghanooj, dolmas, olives), and fun to catch up!