1. Going with M. while she traded in her Gameboy SP to get a Nintendo DS. She's saved her allowance and the money she's gotten from her grandparents for various holidays (best of all, now she has a new "toy" with no accessories, so buying her things for Xmas will be easier). She had a tough time choosing which color to get until the salesman described one as "metallic silver". (She's *very* into metallics!)
2. C. and her friends working on their Beyond project. They chose to read "Much Ado About Nothing", which they finished yesterday, so the girls (all but one) came over for breakfast, to watch the movie version, and then to write their final project (they're re-writing it as a current, teenaged version to perform for the class). It's so fun to have a group of highly-motivated kids working together! And they really worked hard, too.
3. Fun afternoon shopping. We had to pick up some stuff for C's Shakespeare (see above) project, wanted to use the Costco coupons, and had a few other errands to run. It was nice to see that both Target and Costco were really busy, too. With all the economy woes, it's a little scary, so it's nice to see that at least some local businesses are busy! And, I found a down vest (which I've wanted and been looking for for over a year) for $19.99! C. got herself one, too (though mine is brown and hers is black).
4. Accepted a subbing job for Math on December 1st. I hope it's a fun one!
5. Out for coffee (and a bit more shopping) with G. tonight. I wore my new down vest and it works GREAT!